Planning Your Membership Site

The planning stage is all about getting clarity on your idea and the features of your membership site, including the content you will include and the pricing structure that will be used, before you even start to think about things like what membership plugin to use.

The aim of this stage is to have a clear plan for your membership that you can move forward with into the creating stage and beyond.

Before You Get Started

Whilst it’s tempting to jump straight in to planning your membership site, there are a couple of things that you need to consider first to ensure that you’re heading in the right direction.

Is a Membership Site Right for You?

Whilst membership sites are an appealing choice, they aren’t always the right choice. So, let’s start by determining whether a membership site is actually what you should be creating.

Idea Selection

The first stage in planning your membership is to get clear on your idea. Even if you think you already know exactly what you want to create, it’s a great idea to go through these steps.

Brainstorm Ideas

Brainstorming is the best way to start any new project, so let’s take a look at all the ideas that you have and how you can choose the one with the most potential.